Source code for ttkbootstrap.widgets.floodgauge

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import IntVar, StringVar
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter.font import Font
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from uuid import uuid4

from ttkbootstrap import Style

[docs]class Floodgauge(Progressbar): """A ``Floodgauge`` widget shows the status of a long-running operation with an optional text indicator. Similar to the ``ttk.Progressbar``, this widget can operate in two modes: **determinate** mode shows the amount completed relative to the total amount of work to be done, and **indeterminate** mode provides an animated display to let the user know that something is happening. Variable are generated automatically for this widget and can be linked to other widgets by referencing them via the ``textvariable`` and ``variable`` attributes. The ``text`` and ``value`` properties allow you to easily get and set the value of these variables without the need to call the ``get`` and ``set`` methods of the related tkinter variables. For example: ``Floodgauge.value`` or ``Floodgauge.value = 55`` will get or set the amount used on the widget. """ def __init__(self, master=None, cursor=None, font=None, length=None, maximum=100, mode='determinate', orient='horizontal', style='TFloodgauge', takefocus=False, text=None, value=0, **kw): """ Args: master (Widget): Parent widget cursor (str): The cursor that will appear when the mouse is over the progress bar. font (Font or str): The font to use for the progress bar label. length (int): Specifies the length of the long axis of the progress bar (width if horizontal, height if vertical); defaults to 300. maximum (float): A floating point number specifying the maximum ``value``. Defaults to 100. mode (str): One of **determinate** or **indeterminate**. Use `indeterminate` if you cannot accurately measure the relative progress of the underlying process. In this mode, a rectangle bounces back and forth between the ends of the widget once you use the ``.start()`` method. Otherwise, use `determinate` if the relative progress can be calculated in advance. This is the default mode. orient (str): Specifies the orientation of the widget; either `horizontal` or `vertical`. style (str): The style used to render the widget; `TFloodgauge` by default. takefocus (bool): This widget is not included in focus traversal by default. To add the widget to focus traversal, use ``takefocus=True``. text (str): A string of text to be displayed in the progress bar. This is assigned to the ``textvariable`` ``StringVar`` which is automatically generated on instantiation. This value can be get and set using the ``Floodgauge.text`` property without having to directly call the ``textvariable``. value: The current value of the progressbar. In `determinate` mode, this represents the amount of work completed. In `indeterminate` mode, it is interpreted modulo ``maximum``; that is, the progress bar completes one "cycle" when the ``value`` increases by ``maximum``. **kw: Other configuration options from the option database. """ # create a custom style in order to adjust the text inside the progress bar layout if any(['Horizontal' in style, 'Vertical' in style]): self._widgetstyle = f'{uuid4()}.{style}' elif orient == 'vertical': self._widgetstyle = f'{uuid4()}.Vertical.TFloodgauge' else: self._widgetstyle = f'{uuid4()}.Horizontal.TFloodgauge' # progress bar value variable self.variable = IntVar(value=value) super().__init__(master=master, class_='Floodgauge', cursor=cursor, length=length, maximum=maximum, mode=mode, orient=orient, style=self._widgetstyle, takefocus=takefocus, variable=self.variable, **kw) # set the label font if font:"ttk::style", "configure", self._widgetstyle, '-%s' % 'font', font, None) # progress bar text variable self.textvariable = StringVar(value=text or '') self.textvariable.trace_add('write', self._textvariable_write) self._textvariable_write() @property def text(self): return self.textvariable.get() @text.setter def text(self, value): self.textvariable.set(value) @property def value(self): return self.variable.get() @value.setter def value(self, value): self.variable.set(value) def _textvariable_write(self, *args): """Callback to update the label text when there is a `write` action on the textvariable Args: *args: if triggered by a trace, will be `variable`, `index`, `mode`. """"ttk::style", "configure", self._widgetstyle, '-%s' % 'text', self.textvariable.get(), None)
if __name__ == '__main__': # TESTING root = tk.Tk() root.title('ttkbootstrap') s = Style() p = Floodgauge(orient='vertical', style='danger.Vertical.TFloodgauge') def auto(progress): p.text = f'Memory\n{p.value}%' p.step(1) p.after(50, auto, p) p.pack(fill='both', expand='yes') auto(p) root.mainloop()