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This widget features a variety of checkbutton style types that are primary colored by default or the selected color.

This widget supports a special style for disabled state.

Checkbutton (default)

The default style features a square checkbox and label. The checkbox has a muted color outline when not selected, and a filled square with checkmark when selected.


# default checkbutton style

# success checkbutton style


This style features a solid rectangular button that toggles between an off and on color. The background is a muted gray when off and a default or selected color when on or active.

solid toolbuttons

# default toolbutton style

# success toolbutton style

Outline toolbutton

This style features a rectangular button that toggles between a styled outline when off and a solid background when on or active.

outline toolbuttons

# default outline toolbutton style

# success outline toolbutton style

Round toggle button

This style features a rounded button with a round indicator that changes color and position when toggled off and on. The button is a muted outline with a muted color indicator when off. The button is filled with the default or selected color with an accented indicator when on.

round toggles

# default round toggle style

# success round toggle style

Square toggle button

This style features a squared button with a square indicator that changes color and position when toggled off and on. The button is a muted outline with a muted color indicator when off. The button is filled with the default or selected color with an accented indicator when on.

square toggles

# default square toggle style

# success square toggle style

Other checkbutton styles

Disabled checkbutton

This style cannot be applied via keywords; it is configured through widget settings.

# create the checkbutton in a disabled state

# disable a checkbutton after creation
cb = Checkbutton()