
The calendar module contains several classes and functions that enable the user to select a date.


This is a style guide for using ttkbootstrap styles. This guide will show you how to apply visual styles to change the look and feel of the widget. For more information on how to use the widget and what options are available, consult the reference section on widgets.


The DateEntry and DateChooserPopup are the two classes that you will use along with the calendar.ask_date() helper function.

The DateEntry widget is a ttk.Entry widget combined with a ttk.Button widget that opens up a DateChooserPopup when pressed. It is recommended to not use the DateChooserPopup directly, unless you want to subclass it, but rather to use it via the calendar.ask_date() method, which opens up a DateChooserPopup and returns the selected value as a datetime object.

All of these objects have a style parameter that accept a TCalendar style. By default, the primary color is applied to the widget. However, the base style is further subclassed by each of the theme colors to produce the following color and style combinations for DateEntry and DateChooserPopup.


The styles above correspond to the same colored DateChooserPopup below:

../_images/calendar_popup_primary.png ../_images/calendar_popup_secondary.png ../_images/calendar_popup_success.png ../_images/calendar_popup_info.png ../_images/calendar_popup_warning.png ../_images/calendar_popup_danger.png

How to use

The examples below demonstrate how to use a style when creating a calendar widget.

Create a default date entry


Create a success date entry

DateEntry(parent, style='success.TCalendar')

Create a button that calls the calendar popup by assigning a callback.

def callback():
    return ask_date()

btn = ttk.Button(parent, text='Get Date', command=callback)

Style configuration

Use the following classes, states, and options when configuring or modifying a new calendar style. Some options are only available in certain styles. See the python style documentation for more information on creating a style.

Create a new theme using TTK Creator if you want to change the default color scheme.

Class names

  • TCalendar

Dynamic states

  • active

  • alternate

  • disabled

  • pressed

  • selected

  • readonly

Style options















Create a custom style

Change the font and font-size on all calendar buttons

Style.configure('TCalendar', font=('helvetica', 12))

Change the foreground color when the calendar date is selected'TCalendar', foreground=[
    ('disabled', 'white'),
    ('selected', 'yellow'),
    ('!selected', 'gray')])

Subclass an existing style to create a new one, using the pattern ‘newstyle.OldStyle’

Style.configure('custom.TCalendar', foreground='tan', font=('Helvetica', 10))

Use a custom style

DateEntry(parent, style='custom.TCalendar')