
A ttk.Sizegrip widget (also known as a grow box) allows the user to resize the containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.


The ttk.Sizegrip includes the TSizegrip style class. By default, the color of the sizegrip is the border color for light themes and the inputfg color for dark themes. This is further subclassed by each of the theme colors to produce the following color and style combinations:

../_images/sizegrip.png ../_images/sizegrip_primary.png ../_images/sizegrip_secondary.png ../_images/sizegrip_success.png ../_images/sizegrip_info.png ../_images/sizegrip_warning.png ../_images/sizegrip_danger.png

How to use

The examples below demonstrate how to use a style to create a widget. To learn more about how to use the widget in ttk, check out the References section for links to documentation and tutorials on this widget.

Create a default sizegrip


Create a success sizegrip

ttk.Sizegrip(parent, style='success.TSizegrip')


Use the following classes, states, and options when configuring or modifying a new ttk sizegrip style. TTK Bootstrap uses an image layout for this widget, so styling options will not be available for TTK Bootstrap themes. See the python style documentation for more information on creating a style.

Create a new theme using TTK Creator if you want to change the default color scheme.

Class names

  • TSizegrip

Style options

  • background color
